The importance of international freight transportation is crucial in the global economy. In this context, the robustness of packaging, especially corrugated cardboard boxes, is a key factor in ensuring the safety and integrity of transported products. This article, based on the work of Jean-Baptiste Nolot and his team, focuses on the vertical compression resistance (VCR) of corrugated cardboard boxes under different climatic conditions, with a focus on the China-Europe routes.
The study used data loggers to collect precise climatic data along the China-Europe routes. Several types of corrugated cardboard boxes were tested, focusing on their VCR under various temperature and humidity conditions. The measured parameters included relative humidity, temperature, and the compression force required to cause structural collapse.
Key results
The results showed significant variations in VCR depending on the encountered climatic conditions. A noticeable decrease in VCR was observed in high humidity environments, highlighting the importance of considering these factors when designing packaging for long-distance transportation. Comparing VCR values in different climatic conditions provided valuable insights for improving packaging design.
This section interprets the obtained results and explores their practical impact on the transportation and packaging industry. It also examines the relationship between humidity, temperature, and VCR, comparing them to existing industry standards, such as the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) tests.
Conclusions and recommendations
The article concludes with a summary of the study's key findings. It offers practical advice to industry professionals, suggesting improvements in packaging design for better resistance in various climatic conditions. Recommendations for future research are also proposed.
IAPRI 2016 :20th IAPRI World (Sao Polo, Brasil)
Full paper : Mechanical behavoir analysis of corrugated cardboard box under climatic constraints. Example of China-Europe road
IAPRI 2016 :20th IAPRI World (Sao Polo, Brasil)
Presentation : Mechanical behavoir analysis of corrugated cardboard box under climatic constraints. Example of China-Europe road