Understanding ISO 7263: Methods for determining crush resistance of corrugated boards
ISO 7263 is a standard in the packaging industry, defining how to measure the flat crush resistance of corrugated materials. This measurement is an indicator of the quality and durability of corrugated boards made from these materials, an important aspect for corrugated cardboard packaging manufacturers.
Two testing methods: Comparison and implications
The standard offers two testing approaches. The first involves immediate post-embossing compression, while the second requires standard laboratory conditioning. The immediate compression method generally provides higher resistance values, a significant factor for designers of sustainable packaging solutions.
Role of flute geometry according to ISO 7263
ISO 7263 focuses on A-flute geometry. The choice between A or B-flute geometry, as detailed in ISO 7263-2, remains at the discretion of the manufacturer or customer, highlighting the importance of customization in corrugated cardboard packaging design. The method for determining the flat crush resistance of manufactured corrugated board is provided in ISO 3035.
FAQ on ISO 7263 standard for crush resistance of corrugated boards
ISO 7263 is a standardized method for measuring the flat crush resistance of corrugated materials. It is crucial in the packaging industry to assess the quality and durability of corrugated boards.